Choosing class levels in Seville


The right flamenco dance class is one where you challenge yourself without being overwhelmed.


In these classes teach basic footwork, arm positions and rhythms and may suit students wishing to review the fundamentals of technique. 

Basic, Basic-Intermediate 

Basic level classes address the foundations of flamenco dance: accurate compas, contratiempo, footwork patterns and speed; coordinating arm and hand movements with footwork; learning and dancing variations or choreography elements. 

All Levels, Open

Expect a mix of students. Newer dancers may find the pace and material tough; more experienced dancers may need to watch for nuances and apply their skills independently throughout extra repetitions.

Intermediate, Advanced

Intermedio and Avanzado students in Seville are experienced dancers or performers looking for expert guidance in timing, body position and musical expression, or to clean up limiting habits. Choreography at this level builds a vocabulary of movements and styles, challenges recall and attention to detail and enhances expression through flamenco's palos.